mexico sues american gun makers

The Media Will Go to Any Lengths to Smear American Firearm Makers While Carrying Water for the Gun Control Industry

There’s peril when media sets out to confirm a narrative instead of reporting facts. Whether it’s criminal violence in America perpetrated by a deranged lunatic, or by violent drug cartels in countries beyond our borders,…

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Corrupt Mexican Government Blames US Gun Makers for the Illegal International Arms Trade

Mexico must believe that its lawsuits against firearm manufacturers and firearm retailers are on legal life support. The country is now turning to the United Nations’ Ninth Conference of States Parties (CSP9) to the Arms…

Brady Campaign Operatives Register as a Foreign Agent to Help Mexico Sue US Gun Manufacturers

The NRA-ILA has been keeping readers up to date with an ongoing effort by the Mexican government and domestic gun control supporters to attack the American firearms industry. According to a new report from Politico, this…

Soros Backing State Attorneys General Working to Support Mexico’s Attempt to Bankrupt the US Gun Industry

By Larry Keane It should raise eyebrows when 14 state attorneys general side with a foreign nation trying to sue U.S. gun manufacturers out of business. After all, these are individuals sworn to defend the…

Democrat AGs, Three Foreign Countries Back Mexico’s Bid to Bankrupt American Gun Makers

[Thirteen] states and the countries of Antigua and Barbuda and Belize filed separate briefs urging a federal judge in Boston to not dismiss Mexico’s $10 billion lawsuit against companies including Smith & Wesson and Sturm,…