Moms Demand Action

Utah Bill To Teach Kindergarteners Gun Safety In School

The Utah State House has voted overwhelmingly (59-10) to support a bill requiring children to learn about gun safety as early as kindergarten. The Republican-controlled chamber is now sending the measure to the state Senate,…

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Murder Rate Down in 2024, Including In Florida After Enacting Permitless Carry

Remember back in the 1980s when gun control groups screeched that Florida would turn into the “Gunshine” state when the Sunshine State passed concealed carry? Many no doubt won’t as they are too young.  But…

Slate Cheers 20 Wine Moms Who Are Working to Take Down the Supreme Court’s Bruen Ruling

An article at yesterday details the efforts of a brace of red-shirted Moms Demand Action members who are “scouring archives across the United States for historical firearm regulations.” What they’re actually doing, author Mark…

Like Good Neighbors, Armed Citizens Are There: Michigan Home Invasion Stopped By a Pair of Armed Neighbors

Moms Demand Action’s Shannon Watts claims that defensive gun uses don’t happen.  They’re just an urban myth.  A fantasy perpetrated by crazed gun nuts. Then again, “gaslighting” is the 2022 word of the year. Bright…

Biden’s Budget is Another Sop to Gun Control Groups That Will Never be Satisfied

President Joe Biden is caught on the horns of a dilemma. He’s attempting to placate a stubborn and loud national gun control movement that buoyed his presidential campaign and that continues to yell “Do more!”…