North American Arms Owner Apologizes For Contempt-Ridden Rant Against the Unvaccinated

North American Arms produces those miniature .22 revolvers that are so small they will fit on a belt buckle. Or in a hat. Or in mother nature’s holster. The company’s owner Sandy Chisholm makes posts…

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Woman Smuggles NAA Mini Revolver Into Jail in Shocking Fashion

North American Arms makes some pretty small revolvers.  Suitable for deep cover (Jeremy carries one in his hat).  Or, in the case of a woman in Boone County, Missouri, deep-deep cover.  Amy Wilhite, 39, apparently…

10 Time-Tested Pocket Pistols and Mouse Guns from the GDC Vault

While derringers or other pocket pistols are not ideal for self-defense, somehow, we all seem to want one. Check out these sweet choices for the ultimate in deep concealment from the Vault. Bond Arms…