newsom gun control

Gavin Newsom is Plotting to Export California-Style Gun Control to the Rest of America

By Mark Oliva Gun control politicians really are coming for America’s guns. There’s no denying it after California Gov. Newsom made his proposal for a 28th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution official. Gov. Newsom wants to export…

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Newsom Tries to Spread the California ‘Success’ Story With His Doomed Gun Control Constitutional Amendment

California’s Gov. Gavin Newsom’s policy instincts match his hair gel. Both are applied liberally. Take his latest notion. He is proposing a 28th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. He’s not proposing to protect rights granted by our Creator,…

Time to Face Reality in California: It’s the Crime, Not the Guns

By Joe Bartozzi The senseless homicides of six in Sacramento are tragic. It is a shocking and sober reminder that criminals have no respect for the law or for human life. That’s why it’s appalling…