ninth circuit second amendment

Ninth Circuit Puts its Finger on the Scale to Delay, Derail California Magazine Ban Challenge

By LKB As a federal trial attorney with appellate experience, including clerking for a United States Court of Appeals judge decades ago, I tend to discount a lot of the “conspiracy theories” non-lawyers often postulate…

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CA’s Age-Based Discrimination Banning Semi-Auto Rifle Sales to Adults Under 21 Was Unconstitutional

  America would not exist without the heroism of the young adults who fought and died in our revolutionary army. Today we reaffirm that our Constitution still protects the right that enabled their sacrifice: the…

Life in the Ninth Circuit: A Judge Renders His Real Opinion in a 2A Case and an Alternative for the Full Court’s Inevitable Result

…[9th Circuit Judge Lawrence] VanDyke concluded in the majority opinion for a three-judge panel, Ventura County’s policy [closing gun stores during the pandemic] plainly did not pass muster under “strict scrutiny,” which requires that a…

Miller, Rupp, Duncan and What the Latest ‘Assault Weapons’ Ruling Means for Californians

By Chuck Michel United States District Court Judge Roger Benitez meant it when he took his oath to uphold the Constitution as he was sworn in as a federal judge in 2004. Indeed, in recent…

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FPC to 9th Circuit: California’s Magazine Ban Violates History and Scope of the 2nd Amendment

From the Firearms Policy Coalition . . . Yesterday, the Firearms Policy Coalition announced the filing of an important brief with the en banc Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in Duncan v. Becerra, a case…

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In Young v. Hawaii, the Ninth Circuit Shows Its Clear Hostility for Gun Rights…Again…Still

By John Velleco The Ninth Circuit’s contempt for the Second Amendment is no secret. As one of Gun Owners of America’s other recent briefs explained: “[p]ractically speaking, the Ninth Circuit has never found a Second…