Parents Must Hold School Officials Accountable For School Security “Before” the Next Uvalde

Ultimately, it’s up to parents to do everything they can to ensure their kids’ safety and security. We expect school officials to keep our children safe while they’re at school. Unfortunately, some school officials don’t….

Former NRA Officials Admit In Court What They Denied For Years; NRA Board Member Calls for New Leadership

For most folks, the threat of felony criminal perjury charges tends to encourage honesty, even from those who dismiss or ignore their fiduciary responsibility to act honorably and truthfully to an organization’s members. Hence, why…

NRA Finds Constitutional Friends Amid Legal Woes

If you read everything in the news of late and even talk to some gun rights supporters, you know NRA has been having a host of fits on a number of legal and organizational fronts…

After He Bested Them For Decades, Anti-Gun Groups Cheer LaPierre Resignation

As gun-ban advocates (and even some pro-gun voices) gloat over the announcement of National Rifle Association Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre’s resignation, they’re leaving out some important facts. Despite some of NRA’s more recent challenges…