Open Carry

Accidental Discharge On School Playground Highlights Holster Safety

Details of a McClain County Sheriff’s Office school resource deputy’s accidental discharge, which occurred on the playground of Blanchard Elementary School in December, have emerged, highlighting the importance of gear choices and holster design when…

Michigan Using Gun-Free Zones To Subvert The Right To Carry

On November 14th, the Michigan Senate Committee on Civil Rights, Judiciary and Public Safety passed SB 857 and SB 858 making the bills eligible for votes on the Senate floor. The pair of measures would expand “gun-free zones”…

Murder Rate Down in 2024, Including In Florida After Enacting Permitless Carry

Remember back in the 1980s when gun control groups screeched that Florida would turn into the “Gunshine” state when the Sunshine State passed concealed carry? Many no doubt won’t as they are too young.  But…