Personal Defense

When it Comes to Choosing Your Carry Gun and Ammo, Remember What’s Really Imortant

Even more inexplicable are the shooters who choose the Thor-Hammer 147-grain over the competing loads from FreedomFist and ‘MurricaHeckYeah because, according to the data on the box flap, it’s 30 fps faster at the muzzle….

No, 9mm Is Not A ‘One Size Fits All’ Defensive Caliber

There’s a tendency among gun owners to follow whatever law enforcement does when it comes to selecting a firearm for defense. When the police carried revolvers, many civilians had a revolver (yes, that’s mostly what…

Sorry Gun-Grabbers, Eli Dicken Really is a Good Samaritan and He Deserves a Medal for Stopping a Mass Shooting

By Lawrence W. Reed On Sunday evening—July 17, 2022—at the Greenwood Park Mall in Indiana, a gunman opened fire in a food court. He killed three people and wounded two others. He might have murdered…

The Greenwood Mall Shooting Should End Claims of the Danger of Permitless Concealed Carry

During the recent attempted mass shooting at the Greenwood Park Mall in Indiana, a 22-year old man who was lawfully carrying a pistol stopped the killing. For this heroic action, he’s been called “good Samaritan”…

Why Does an Armed Citizen Stopping a Mass Shooter Upset So Many People?

What happened yesterday at the Greenwood Park Mall in suburban Indianapolis was every gun control advocate’s worst nightmare. No, we’re not talking about the obvious horror of a crazed wacko walking into a mall with…