Personal Defense

Serwer: White Fragility Determines Which Uses of Self-Defense are Legitimate

[W]hich acts of violence are considered legitimate self-defense has always been highly political. For most of American history, white men alone had a right of self-defense that included both their persons and property. Although the…

NYT: Rittenhouse Verdict Shows America Has Too Many Guns for Our Current Laws to Handle

The acquittal points to the wide berth the legal system gives to defendants who say they acted out of fear, even if others around them were also afraid. Wisconsin’s rules for self-defense are well within…

95-Year-Old Man Stops Home Invasion With the Best Tool for the Job

How can a 95-year-old seasoned citizen possibly defend himself against a strapping 40-year-old career criminal who’d just smashed his way into the old man’s home in broad daylight? You probably know the answer to this…