Personal Defense

The 3 Best Handgun Calibers for Armed Self-Defense

Dan Z. for TTAG Caliber wars — gun owners arguing over the relative merits of various calibers of self-defense ammunition — are an ugly, protracted business. This article will do nothing to reduce the hostility…

What I’m Carrying Now: A Springfield Armory Bar-B-Que Gun

The Anti-Fancy writes . . . Texans sport beautiful hardware for their Sunday afternoon pig-in-pit shindigs. And God loves ’em for it. Where I come from, the best BBQ in town comes from backyards and…

Pennsylvania Doctor and School Board Member Threatens to Shoot Anyone Not Wearing a Mask

Dr. Jennifer Rager-Kay (courtesy Twitter) Dr. Jennifer Rager-Kay must have missed the part of her medical school training in which they covered the Hippocratic Oath and the doctor’s duty to first, do no harm. The…

What I’m Carrying Now: A GLOCK 20C and a Benchmade Axis

Daniel W. writes . . . This may be a bit different take on things. It should be quite obvious that this equipment gets used, and there’s not a lot of bling in it. This…

Scottsdale Home Owner Uses Shotgun to Stop Naked Home Invader Caught in His Child’s Room [VIDEO]

Bigstock Discovering a home invader in your house is frightening enough. Catching one in your child’s room — masked and naked — is probably every parent’s worst nightmare. A Scottsdale physician was working in an…

What I’m Carrying Now: A Colt Army Special ‘Snake Gun’ and a Snake Bite Kit

Courtesy Virgil Caldwell Virgil Caldwell writes . . . This is a beautiful, tight, smooth Colt Army Special from 1908. The problem is, when I found it in the pawn shop someone had sawed the…