pink pistols

LGBTQ Gun Ownership on the Rise Amid Concerns of Political Unrest

Gun ownership among LGBTQ individuals and left-leaning groups has surged in recent months as fears of targeted violence and political oppression escalated ahead of the 2024 election, according to a report from the Philadelphia Inquirer and also…

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LGBT Groups: Oregon Measure 114 Drinks Deeply From the Tainted Well of Discrimination

From Operation Blazing Sword-Pink Pistols . . . It is the position of Operation Blazing Sword – Pink Pistols that the recently-passed Oregon Ballot Measure 114 imposes a burdensome “permit to purchase” scheme upon all…

No Matter Who You Are, You Need A Gun For Protection

By Desiderius Erasmus, a Guns Save Life member The “typical” gun owner is often characterized by many bigoted non-gun-owners as a right wing, redneck, beer-guzzling, low IQ Neanderthal who is just itchin’ to pull the…

An Anti-Gun March for Our Lives Organizer Becomes a Pro-Gun Director of a Pink Pistols Chapter

At 17, Fanaeian co-founded the Utah chapter of March for Our Lives, a nationwide, student-led campaign born out of the 2017 shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, that left 17 dead….

Blue Collar Prepping with Erin Palette

Stocking up on essentials before an issue arises doesn’t have to cost an arm and a leg. (Photo: Jacki Billings/ Erin Palette may be the face of Operation Blazing Swords but she also knows a…