privatized gun control

Arizona Governor Sides With Big Banks, Vetoes Financial Nondiscrimination Bill

From the NSSF . . . Arizona’s Gov. Katie Hobbs sided with “woke” Wall Street corporations over Grand Canyon State businesses and protecting the free exercise of rights when she vetoed Senate Bill 1096, the bipartisan…

CEO of Union-Owned Amalgamated Bank Touts Her Plans for Backdoor Gun Purchase Tracking at NY Times Conference

A New York Times conference featured a bank CEO pushing the financial industry to track Americans making purchases at retailers and monitor their “suspicious activity” under the guise of “reducing gun violence.” Amalgamated Bank CEO…

Privatized Gun Control: The Civilian Disarmament Industry Wants to Know…What’s In Your Wallet?

Mayor Adams demands credit card giants start tracing gun purchases. “Why would you not want to do this?” — New York Daily News (@NYDailyNews) August 30, 2022 Gun control groups are reviving their effort to…

San Jose’s Gun Owner Fees and Insurance Requirement are Privatized Authoritarianism

Deputizing private parties to restrict liberty has become popular among politicians constrained by constitutional protections for individual rights. They get to target personal freedom without explicitly restricting anything, like a bratty kid waving his hands…