Quote of the Day

Tulsi Gabbard Wants You to Know Her Views of the Second Amendment Have Changed

As we see Democratic leaders in Washington continue to push more authoritarian-like policies, who are using law enforcement agencies, weaponizing them to go after political opponents, targeting law-abiding Americans as extremists and domestic terrorists for…

The Empire Strikes Back: The Trace and New Yorker Attack John Lott’s Methods and Influence

In recent years, gun companies have aggressively marketed semi-automatic AR-style rifles to civilians. Manufacturers now produce as many as two and a half million such firearms per year, and they routinely show up in the…

The New York Times Isn’t Comfortable With the Prospect of Constitutional Carry Enabling More People to Protect Themselves

“If my research convinces me of anything,” [John R. Lott Jr.] said, “it’s that you’re going to get the biggest reduction in crime if the people who are most likely victims of violent crime, predominantly…

IL Mayor: If Criminals Run Free and Police Can’t Protect Citizens, Citizens Are Going to Start Protecting Themselves

Crime in Illinois could “spiral out of control” after a new law overhauling the state’s criminal justice system goes into effect in January, the mayor of a Chicago suburb said. “When I said that this…