
Affordable Versatility: Exploring the .300 Blackout’s Potential with a Budget Bolt Gun and LPVO

The .300 Blackout cartridge has gained quite a following in recent years, especially among AR-15 enthusiasts. But what about those looking for a bolt-action option? Enter the Savage Axis II in .300 Blackout, a budget-friendly…

Guns For Beginners: 3 Things To Consider When Buying Your First Hunting Rifle

Hunting is a heckuva lot of fun, and the results — savory game meat, unique memories, and new friendships — are worth their weight in bug spray and doe urine. But if you’re new to…

BREAKING: Remington to Become the Subject of a Federal Investigation

Remington Arms Company in Ilion, N.Y. (AP Photo/Mike Groll) A reliable source who wishes to remain anonymous has passed on information to TTAG regarding a pending federal investigation into Remington Outdoor Company’s handling of the…