rittenhouse rifle

Kyle Rittenhouse Won’t His Rifle Back, But Will Collect Get Some of His $2 Million Bail

Kyle Ritternhouse went to court last week to get his rifle back following his acquittal during the high-profile jury trial late last year. While he failed to get his rifle, he did get his phone…

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Kyle Rittenhouse’s Friend Charged for Giving Him the Rifle Used in the Kenosha Shootings

(Adam Rogan/The Journal Times via AP) It’s been reported that the rifle Kyle Rittenhouse used during the Kenosha shootings was owned by a friend of his. That’s apparently not entirely true, but either way, that…

Vox: Police Support Armed Citizens As Long As They’re Not Black or Brown

Kyle Rittenhouse, left, with backwards cap, walks along Sheridan Road in Kenosha, Wis., Tuesday, Aug. 25, 2020, with another armed civilian. Prosecutors on Thursday, Aug. 27, 2020 charged Rittenhouse, a 17-year-old from Illinois in the…