Rittenhouse verdict

In Rittenhouse Reaction, Reese Witherspoon Self-Owns, Shows Hollywood’s Hoplophobic Hypocrisy

By Larry Keane Reese Witherspoon’s not a lawyer. But she’s played one on film. Witherspoon’s credits during her Tinseltown tenure include roles involving firearms and the legal profession. In real life, her gun control comments…

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The Rittenhouse Verdict Has Provoked Trump-Level Insanity on the Left

By Lee Williams Just seconds after a Kenosha jury of five men and seven women found that Kyle Rittenhouse used his AR as it was intended, for self-defense, the anti-gun zealots went bonkers – crying,…

NYT: Rittenhouse Verdict Shows America Has Too Many Guns for Our Current Laws to Handle

The acquittal points to the wide berth the legal system gives to defendants who say they acted out of fear, even if others around them were also afraid. Wisconsin’s rules for self-defense are well within…