Ron DeSantis

Florida: DeSantis Proposes ‘Second Amendment Summer’ Tax Holiday

We’ve chronicled over the past several months how anti-gun politicians in several less gun-friendly states have passed, or are trying to pass, legislation levying additional taxes on the purchase of guns, ammunition and gun-related gear….

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Florida Bans Use of Credit Card Tracking Codes for Firearm Purchases

Major credit card companies have attempted to monitor the transactions of firearm retailers and consumers through unique merchant codes, which could then be used to “flag” law-abiding citizens. The legislation I signed today will end…

Florida Man Arrested After Defending Himself and His Girlfriend With a Gun…But No Carry Permit

The Gainesville Police Department responded to a call of a physical altercation at about 2:00am on March 27. Adam Benjamin Cameron of Ocala and his girlfriend were walking with some friends when they were accosted…

Did Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Just Call Out Anti-Gun Republicans in the State Legislature?

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis just delivered his State of the State address to a joint session of the legislature, something that’s traditionally done at the start of each legislative session. The session started today and…