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CCRKBA to Run 60-Second Commercials Nationally Opposing Feinstein’s ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban

From the CCRKBA . . . The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms will air a new 60-second informational spot next week on a dozen national television networks, alerting the nation’s…

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FPC, SAF Challenge New Jersey’s Unconstitutional Gun Ownership Permitting Scheme

From the Firearms Policy Coalition . . . Yesterday, the Firearms Policy Coalition (FPC) announced a new federal Second Amendment lawsuit challenging the State of New Jersey’s laws that require individuals to be granted a…

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California Forced to Re-Open Its Broken ‘Assault Weapons’ Registration System

From the Second Amendment Foundation . . . After two years of litigation over a botched computer program to register so-called “assault weapons” in California, a settlement has been reached between the state and all…

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SAF Sues Illinois State Police for Failing to Process Concealed Carry Permit Applications

From SAF . . . The Second Amendment Foundation today filed a federal lawsuit today against the head of the Illinois State Police and the agency’s Firearms Services Bureau chief, alleging they have allowed the…

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CCRKBA Hitting the Airwaves With HR 127 Gun Control Bill Alert

  From the CCRKBA . . . The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms is launching a multi-network television advertising effort next week to alert the nation’s gun owners about H.R….

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Washington Appeals Court Rules Edmonds Safe Storage Law Violates State Preemption Law

From the Second Amendment Foundation . . . A Washington State Appeals Court panel has unanimously held that a so-called “safe storage” ordinance adopted by the City of Edmonds and challenged by the Second Amendment…