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10th Mountain Division Investigating Dangerous Room-Clearing Training Video

A video is making the rounds on Facebook that has sparked an investigation within the US Army’s famed 10th Mountain Division. The video shows soldiers pointing their firearms, loaded with live ammunition at their fellow…

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The Truth About: Hollow Point Bullets [Video]

Over on TTAG’s Rumble channel we’ll be doing regular “The Truth About…” videos. I promise with better audio quality than the first one, The Truth About Hollow Points, embedded below. The Truth About…buying a silencer,…

A New York Hospital System is Building a Gun Owner Registry One Patient At a Time

Sample Patient Intake Form Northwell Health, New York State’s largest healthcare provider, is beginning a pilot program ostensibly intended to determine their patients’ “risk for firearm injury.” Starting later this month, Northwell staff at two…

How to Clean AR-15 Magazines: A Quick and Easy Guide

Keeping those AR mags in working order doesn’t have to be a chore (All Photos: Chris Eger/ A simple step that is often missed in the act of care and maintaining semi-automatic firearms such as…