sam liccardo gun insurance

San Jose’s Gun Owner Insurance Mandate Was Nothing More Than Political Theater

San Jose’s gun liability insurance requirement — the first-of-its-kind in America and upheld by a federal court judge last week — will make the city safer from the firearm-related violence that has wreaked havoc across the nation, its proponents…

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‘The Trace’ (Yes, ‘The Trace’) Reveals the Lie Behind San Jose’s New Gun Owner Liability Insurance Law

[San Jose Mayor Sam] Liccardo, the mayor, has said that safe gun behavior will determine insurance rates and lead to discounts. He told Slate last month: “When you notify the insurance company, the insurance company can start to…

San Jose’s New Gun Fee and Insurance Mandate Sound ‘like Pre-World War II Poland’

From Gun Owners of California . . . Sam Paredes, Gun Owners of California’s Executive Director made the following statement on the City of San Jose’s mandate for gun owners to carry liability insurance and…

San Jose Slaps Gun Owners With New Burdens After Mayor Admits to Targeting the Law-Abiding

The San Jose City Council voted unanimously last night to require gun owners to hold firearm insurance and pay an annual gun ownership fee. The California city is the first in the nation with such…