san jose gun tax

GOOD LUCK WITH THAT: San Jose Mayor Plans to Confiscate Guns Of Those Who Haven’t Bought Insurance, Paid Fees

San Jose’s aspiring tyrant, Democrat Mayor Sam Liccardo, thinks he’s figured out a way to separate gun owners and their guns. He pushed through a measure to require gun owners to buy an insurance policy…

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San Jose’s New Gun Owner Tax is Misplaced, Ineffective, and Unserious

6. Unconstitutional Tax San Jose refers to the new fee imposed on gun owners as a “Gun Harm Reduction Fee,” but it’s nothing less than an unconstitutional tax on the exercise of an enumerated right….

San Jose Enacts ‘Innovative’ Gun Ownership Tax, Low Income Firearm Owners Hardest Hit

By Matt Manda Nearly 1.2 million law-abiding Californians bought a firearm in 2020 and the ranks of gun-owning Golden Staters has grown even more in 2021. They had good reasons but their purchases may now cost some even more. Gun…