school safety

Utah Bill To Teach Kindergarteners Gun Safety In School

The Utah State House has voted overwhelmingly (59-10) to support a bill requiring children to learn about gun safety as early as kindergarten. The Republican-controlled chamber is now sending the measure to the state Senate,…

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Texas Man Sends 4-Year-Old To School With A Gun In Her Backpack

A Texas man was arrested after authorities say he placed a loaded gun in a 4-year-old special needs student’s backpack before dropping her off at school. A potential disaster was averted, and no injuries were…

We Have a Tested, Proven Way to Keep Schools and Students Safe…If We Want To

By Rob Morse It’s bad enough when another broken, narcissistic idiot with a gun kills innocent victims. It’s worse still when the mainstream media gives the murderer — depending on their politics — a multi-million-dollar…