senate gun control deal

The Cornyn-Murphy Senate Gun Control Bill – Half a Victory Lap Along With a Countervailing Setback

Dr. Jeffrey W.Swanson is part of a small community of American academics — about two dozen in all — focused exclusively on studying gun violence and how to prevent it. Washington has often stood in…

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We’re Just Getting Started – Dems Admit Senate Gun Control Deal is Just the Beginning

By Lee Williams Florida Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz (FL-23) admitted something we all knew last weekend at the March for our Lives rally in Parkland, Florida, when she was asked about the gun control “framework”…

Cornyn Proves Senate Republicans Didn’t Negotiate, They’re Giving Our Rights Away For Nothing

Following the weekend announcement of a compromise framework for a gun control deal in the Senate, Texas Senator John Cornyn apparently felt the need to address angry constituents who aren’t nearly as enthusiastic as he…

While the Media are Already All-In on the Senate Gun Control Deal, It Still Has a Long Way to Go

By Lee Williams If the legacy media had their way, your front door would explode and seconds later you’d be hip-deep in armed gun-grabbers delivering butt-strokes to your noggin until you surrendered the combination to…