
Doctors’ Voices Could Be Loudest Ones Yet in Move to Deregulate Suppressors

Doctor Timothy W. Wheeler and six fellow ear surgeons recently submitted a proposal to their national specialist society, the American Academy of Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery (AAO-HNS). The seven ear doctors wanted their academy to support…

Affordable Versatility: Exploring the .300 Blackout’s Potential with a Budget Bolt Gun and LPVO

The .300 Blackout cartridge has gained quite a following in recent years, especially among AR-15 enthusiasts. But what about those looking for a bolt-action option? Enter the Savage Axis II in .300 Blackout, a budget-friendly…

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NRL22 Base Class Setup: Savage B22 Precision and Arken SH4 6-24×50mm Review

The NRL22 (National Rifle League 22) competition has rapidly gained popularity in recent years, attracting both seasoned marksmen and newcomers to the world of precision shooting. NRL22’s growth stems from its inclusive nature. Unlike many…

Authorities Seize Over 350 Websites Importing Switches And Suppressors From China

U.S. authorities announced on September 11 that they had seized 355 websites used to sell suppressors and conversion kits, known as “switches,” which are used to convert semi-automatic handguns into machine guns. The suppressors, reportedly…