
The AceXR VR Shooting System: “It’s Like Shooting A Competition With .22”

In some ways, hyper-realistic firearms training has been the holy grail of the defensive, police, and military shooting worlds. While there’s a lot you can do on the range, there are still some steep downsides…

State of Play: The Firearm Industry Is Being Marginalized and Micro-Aggressed Online

Here’s a real shocker: the tech industry actively marginalizes and throttles traffic to the firearm industry and the Second Amendment-friendly community in general. Over the last couple of months TTAG, Black Collar Arms (which I…

Why Did the The Washington Post and The Trace Misrepresent the SIG P320’s Safety System in Their Hit Piece?

The Washington Post, a once-respected newspaper, and The Trace, one of Michael Bloomberg’s anti-gun activist organizations, recently cranked out a “joint investigation” hit job on one of America’s most popular firearms, the SIG SAUER P320….

One Potential Problem With The Army’s New Rifle and Optic System . . .

Before I got into journalism, writing, and photography, I worked on computers. Building and repairing computers was a great way to get through school compared to slinging fast food, and in the beginning I was…

Here We Go Again: Reuters Breathlessly Announces Another Revolutionary ‘Smart Gun’ That Will CHANGE EVERYTHING

The gun control industry coined the term “smart guns” many moons ago to describe what to date have been a series of flawed, unreliable firearms. Every few years since then, pretty much like clockwork, the…