Training & Technique

The 5 Best Shooting Drills to Make the Most of Your Range Time

Firearms drills are an absolute blast. They sharpen your skills, give you a challenge at the range and can change the way you think about shooting and self-defense. They can also be an eye-opener, and…

We Have a Tested, Proven Way to Keep Schools and Students Safe…If We Want To

By Rob Morse It’s bad enough when another broken, narcissistic idiot with a gun kills innocent victims. It’s worse still when the mainstream media gives the murderer — depending on their politics — a multi-million-dollar…

The Failed Strategy of the Defensive Mindset

Never throw the first punch and Fire only if fired upon are two pieces of pseudo-tactical advice that are thrown out so often that most people now parrot the phrases without ever thinking about what…

Mike Rowe’s Unintentional But Valuable Range Safety Tip

Mike Rowe, the well-known dirty job do-er, work raconteur and mover of the book markets, did a safety video that has application to shooters. In the video, below, Rowe describes how he and his crew…