trudeau gun confiscation

His ‘Assault Weapon’ Ban Failed, So Now Canada PM Justin Trudeau Wants to Ban All Handguns, Too

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s gun control agenda isn’t going as planned, yet he is already doubling down. His latest gun grab move is a ban on another entire class of firearms. Calling it a…

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Canadians Bracing for the Great Northern Gun Grab

By Larry Keane The Great Northern Gun Grab is about to begin. The United States’ northern neighbor is bracing for a firearm confiscation. What would seem unthinkable just a couple years ago is now planned…

America is Diversifying its Growing Pool of Gun Owners (But Canada Isn’t) [VIDEO]

(Jeff McIntosh/The Canadian Press via AP) This Week in Gun Rights is TTAG’s weekly roundup of legal, legislative and other news affecting guns, the gun business and gun owners’ rights. For another look at the…