US LawShield

The Value of Firearms Training: Keep Your Shooting—and Legal—Skills on Point

Our decision to carry is an important one and should always be regarded with a serious sense of responsibility. I carry and if you’re reading this, there’s a good chance you carry or are considering…

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Personal Defense: Forty Miles of Road Rage Ends in a Dead Aggressor

Police in Minnesota ruled the use of deadly force over the weekend against a road-raging idiot was justified self-defense. For 40 miles, William Haire — age: more than old enough to know better — reportedly…

Self-Defense and the Law: How Well Can You Articulate?

Armed self-defense is legal everywhere in America. Even in New York. Even if you’re black, Latino, gay, transgendered, Muslim or maybe all of the above simultaneously. But no matter where it happens, the color of…