NSSF Asks Homeland Security to Designate Gun Manufacturers, Retailers a ‘National Critical Infrastructure Industry’

Dan Z. for TTAG As more states issue shelter-in-place orders, closing businesses and confining people to their homes unless shopping for food or medicine, the nation’s firearms and ammunition manufacturers have begun to be affected….

Hornady: We’re Committed to Maintaining Production [VIDEO]

Courtesy Hornady From Hornady . . . Hornady Manufacturing Company is still in full operation and will endeavor to conduct business as usual through the coronavirus crisis. We are committed to keep production going during…

BREAKING: Cuomo’s Order Closes Remington’s Ilion, New York Factory

Remington’s Ilion, New York factory, the oldest gun manufacturing facility in America. (AP Photo/Mike Groll) Earlier today, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo issued an executive order requiring workers in all “non-essential” businesses in the state…