Interior: Use Paintball Guns to Shoo Grizzly Bears Away [VIDEO]

Bigstock   This is TTAG’s weekly roundup of legal and legislative news affecting guns, the gun business and gun owners’ rights. For a deeper dive into the topics discussed here, check out this week in gun rights…

State Level Gun Rights Groups Using Anti-Gunners’ Local Strategy Against Gun Control

Greg Pruett, president of the Idaho Second Amendment Alliance (AP Photo/Lisa Marie Pane) Adopting the anti-gunners’ own playbook, these groups are focusing on tearing down laws limiting Second Amendment rights at the state level. There’s…

PA Bill Would Ban Direct Internet Ammo Sales, Require $50 Permit to Buy Bullets

Getting ammo in the Keystone State could be a bit more difficult if pending bullet control legislation passes. (Photo: Chris Eger/ New legislation introduced this month in the Pennsylvania House aims to add fees and…

The Great Coronavirus Emergency Gun Run is On

(AP Photo/Philip Kamrass) We’ve all read reports of the long lines in grocery stores following the declaration of a national emergency with most Americans coming to the realization that the coronavirus is very real and…

Gun Tweet of the Day: Jerry Wayne Responds to Joe ‘AR-14’ Biden [VIDEO]

Courtesy NBC News and Twitter Jerry Wayne was the construction worker who an unhinged Joe Biden said was “full of shit.” Grandpa Simpson also called the hard hat a “horse’s ass” when Wayne accused him…

Time To Make Sure You Tool Up Every Time You Leave the House

Oleg Volk photo. Used with permission. My Saturday morning trip to the local Walmart yesterday almost felt like I was on the set of a dystopian movie. At least it wasn’t as bad as…