Gun Control Is A Political Loser, But Gun Grabbers Just Can’t Help Themselves

Gun Control Is A Political Loser, But Gun Grabbers Just Can’t Help Themselves

Two major polls came out this past week that show decreasing support for gun control among the American public. Quinnipiac reports that 49 percent of Americans oppose more restrictive gun laws, with only 45 percent supporting them. This is the first time Quinnipiac has found support for more gun control falling below 50 percent in six years.

Gallup found somewhat more enthusiasm for gun restrictions (52 percent). Still, that’s the lowest it’s been since 2014.

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About the Author

My name is Travis Fletcher and I'm located in sunny Central Florida. Im a gun enthusiast that has been shooting for over 20 years. Over the years I have created multiple websites about the shooting industry. I always look forward to meeting people who enjoy shooting and hunting as much as I do. If you would like to know any more information about me feel free to send me an email.