Johns Hopkins Adds An Anti-Gun Advocacy Operation to Its Gun Control ‘Research’ Portfolio

Johns Hopkins Adds An Anti-Gun Advocacy Operation to Its Gun Control ‘Research’ Portfolio

The line between non-biased data-based research and agenda-driven advocacy is getting blurrier. A new announcement from a renowned research university in Baltimore, Maryland, is continuing the trend.

The Johns Hopkins University announced a new partnership with an affiliate of the gun control advocacy group Coalition to Stop Gun Violence to create the Center for Gun Violence Solutions. The university’s web of “non-biased” gun control research now becomes even more tangled as they are already home to the Michael Bloomberg School of Public Health and Center for Gun Policy and Research.

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About the Author

My name is Travis Fletcher and I'm located in sunny Central Florida. Im a gun enthusiast that has been shooting for over 20 years. Over the years I have created multiple websites about the shooting industry. I always look forward to meeting people who enjoy shooting and hunting as much as I do. If you would like to know any more information about me feel free to send me an email.