Welcome to the Party, Pals: Chicago Sues Car Makers Rather Than Prosecuting the Thugs Who Steal Their Products

Welcome to the Party, Pals: Chicago Sues Car Makers Rather Than Prosecuting the Thugs Who Steal Their Products

It’s an all too common refrain. Every time a criminal or a wacko (or a criminal wacko) kills someone using a firearm, every branch of the Civilian Disarmament Industrial Complex jumps into action and cries out in unison that the problem, of course, is the guns.

If only guns were outlawed, their “reasoning” goes, outlaws wouldn’t have guns. The logic seems so clear. Never mind the delusionally utopian absurdity of thinking that a government that’s been fighting spectacularly expensive and unsuccessful wars on drugs and poverty for the last 60-plus years can somehow make over 400 million firearms go away.

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About the Author

My name is Travis Fletcher and I'm located in sunny Central Florida. Im a gun enthusiast that has been shooting for over 20 years. Over the years I have created multiple websites about the shooting industry. I always look forward to meeting people who enjoy shooting and hunting as much as I do. If you would like to know any more information about me feel free to send me an email.