benitez swiss army assault weapon

Gun Control Orgs are Baffled by Judges Who Take the Second Amendment Seriously

In 2017, [Judge Roger T. Benitez] was assigned the large-capacity magazine lawsuit. Then came three more 2nd Amendment cases in the next two years, because of a court rule that allows either side to request…

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TFW The LA Times Realizes Judge Benitez’s ‘Assault Weapons’ Ruling Stands Up Under Heller

[UCLA law professor Adam] Winkler interprets both the Heller opinion and a 1939 court ruling — United States vs. Miller — as broadly protecting firearms currently in common use. That ruling regulated sawed-off shotguns and…

America’s Anti-Gun Leftists Shriek About Swiss Army Knives While China Has Yet Another Mass Stabbing

US District Court Judge Roger Benitez knew exactly what he was doing when he crafted his opinion ruling that California’s “assault weapons” ban is unconstitutional. Declaring the ban a “failed experiment,” he now famously trolled…