biden dettelbach

After the Chipman Debacle, the Biden Administration is Working Smarter to Confirm Everytown-Endorsed Steve Dettelbach to Head ATF

By Lee Williams Senate hearings for Joe Biden’s second nominee to head the ATF, Steve Dettelbach, could begin as early as next week, Sen. Dick Durbin, chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee, told Politico. Officials…

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Biden’s ATF Nominee is Another Naked Attempt to Weaponize Law Enforcement Against Gun Owners

From the Firearms Policy Coalition . . . Firearms Policy Coalition (FPC) announced today it has sent a letter to the Senate Committee on the Judiciary demanding that it “exercise its constitutional authority, and moral duty,…

Congress to Biden: It’s the Crime, Stupid

Frustration with President Joe Biden’s “stuck-on-repeat” gun control focus that lets criminals run rampant is boiling over in Congress. Republican leaders in both the U.S. Senate and U.S. House of Representatives are telling The White…

Joe Biden Just Can’t Stop Lying About Firearms, the Second Amendment, and Gun Control Laws

From the CCRKBA . . . Once again during his remarks about the newest attempt to restrict gun rights, President Joe Biden repeated his already-discredited claim that the Second Amendment historically prevented certain people from…

ATF Nominee Steve Dettelbach is Just a Less Creepy Version of David Chipman

From the Firearms Policy Coalition . . . President Biden continued his siege on the Second Amendment by announcing gun-control regulations targeting self-manufactured arms and confirming his intention to nominate Steven Dettelbach, an Everytown for…