chuck michel

District Court Judge Blocks Enforcement of Hawaii’s ‘Sensitive Places’ Carry Restriction Law

By C.D. Michel The Supreme Court’s ruling in New York State Rifle & Pistol Association v. Bruen set off a fierce backlash in the anti-gun owner states. Several states passed (or plan to pass) Bruen response…

Second Amendment Law Center’s Amicus Brief Campaign Pays Off Ahead of Illinois ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban 7th Circuit Arguments

By C.D. Michel Monday was the deadline for the state defendants to file their reply briefs and to file amicus (friend of the court) briefs in several cases challenging Illinois’ “assault weapon” and standard capacity…

Guns Rights and Marijuana Use: The Times May Finally Be A-Changin’

By: C.D. Michel In a 2021 article for California NORML, I discussed how federal gun laws intersect with California’s legalization of recreational marijuana use. In that article, I examined Ninth Circuit authority holding that federal…

Ninth Circuit Hears Arguments in Duncan v. Bonta California ‘High Capcity’ Magazine Ban Case

By Chuck Michel Yesterday an 11-judge panel, sitting en banc, heard oral arguments in Duncan v. Bonta (formerly Duncan v. Becerra). The California Rifle & Pistol Association lawsuit, which challenges California’s flat ban on magazines capable of holding…

Miller, Rupp, Duncan and What the Latest ‘Assault Weapons’ Ruling Means for Californians

By Chuck Michel United States District Court Judge Roger Benitez meant it when he took his oath to uphold the Constitution as he was sworn in as a federal judge in 2004. Indeed, in recent…