civil war

Johns Hopkins: More Gun Control Needed to Prevent Second Civil War

A recent report by the Center for Gun Violence Solutions, which is part of Johns Hopkins (Michael) Bloomberg School of Public Health, conflates private gun ownership with armed insurrection in order to advocate for expanded…

Burkhead: Political Violence and the Second Amendment

By Oeoi – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, Violence, then, is really only justified when there is no other recourse, when speech is shut down, when public opinion no longer matters, when elections are…

Happy Independence Day: Guns of the Grunt 1776-2020

Back-to-back World War champs and arguably the strongest military in the world, America’s Soldiers have carried a wide array of rifles in the past 244 years. Colonial origins Going as far back as the matchlocks…

Check Out This Historic Remington Model 1858 Revolver

Garland Richards showed up to a Texas Independence Day Party in late February with a rare Remington Model 1858 revolver that would make even the most established collector blush with envy. Richards represents the Fort…