credit card merchant category code

Florida Bans Use of Credit Card Tracking Codes for Firearm Purchases

Major credit card companies have attempted to monitor the transactions of firearm retailers and consumers through unique merchant codes, which could then be used to “flag” law-abiding citizens. The legislation I signed today will end…

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Trust But Verify: Industry Keeping Watchful Eye on Credit Card Issuers’ ‘Pause’ On Gun Purchase Tracking

Second Amendment supporters and law-abiding gun owners can breathe a sigh of relief. For now, at least. The four major credit card companies – American Express, VISA, Mastercard and Discover – have all announced they…

Anti-Gun AGs: Nice Credit Card Companies You Got There…Be a Shame if Somethin’ Was to Happen to ‘Em

The Civilian Disarmament Industrial Complex isn’t taking the news of America’s credit card issuing companies “pausing” their gun transaction tracking efforts very well. They had dreams of regular Suspicious Activity Reports flooding into ATF from…

State, Federal Lawmakers Trying to Put the Brakes On Credit Card Companies Tracking Firearm Purchases

Amalgamated Bank CEO Priscilla Sims Brown isn’t shy about catering to Democratic politics and progressive causes. The New York Post even described her as “the Left’s private banker.” Sims Brown is especially proud of herself…