Facts About Guns

Settled Science: The 2020 Spike in Violent Crime Isn’t a Red State Problem, It’s a Blue City Problem

From the NRA-ILA . . . Billionaire Michael Bloomberg’s gun control group, Everytown for Gun Safety, ranks the 50 states on how well they have comported their laws to the organization’s civilian disarmament agenda. In…

America’s Anti-Gun Governors Helped Increase Firearm Sales in April to Over 1.3 Million

America’s anti-gun governors have become some of the best gun salesmen in the country. Washington, Oregon, and Illinois were big reasons for a jump in gun sales in April. The NSSF’s Mark Oliva tells us…

Guns Aren’t Causing America’s Violent Crime Problem, Single Mothers and Boys Without Fathers Are

[This article originally appeared at Handwaving Freakoutery and is reprinted here with permission. To subscribe to HWFO, click here.]  By BJ Campbell, Handwaving Freakoutery Repeatedly in the press, we see “it’s the guns, it’s the guns, it’s the guns”…

Oh, The Humanity: Latest Polling Shows a Majority of Americans Now Oppose an ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban

Americans have purchased modern sporting rifles (MSRs) by the millions and are becoming more aware of the firearm’s functionality and operation. As a result, a new poll shows Americans increasingly do not support a national…