gavin newsom

California’s Failed Gun Control Scheme Keeps Good Guys Disarmed While Protecting Killers and Violent Criminals

Past performance is no indicator of future results. At least that’s the usual disclaimer you get from investment firms. With legislation and regulation though, history may not always repeat itself, but it certainly rhymes. At…

Sacramento Gang Shootout Is Just the Incentive California’s Legislature Needs to Pile Still More Restrictions on Law-Abiding Gun Owners

The shooting prompted national and state leaders to issue familiar calls for stronger gun control measures.  Sen. [Robert] Hertzberg’s bill is conditional on the Texas abortion law remaining valid and not struck down by the…

A History of Failure: LA Armed Robberies Up 57% Despite Dozens of Gun Control Laws

California’s gun control schemes have earned it the title of #1 state for “gun law strength” from Michael Bloomberg’s Everytown for Gun Safety Control. The political leaders elected by the political masochists in the not-so-Golden…

Trying to Distract From His Polls, Failed Covid Policies, Gavin Newsom Rails Against Guns. Again. Still.

Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom on Friday backed legislation that would let private citizens enforce the state’s ban on assault weapons. It’s modeled after a Texas law that lets private citizens enforce that state’s ban on abortions once…

One More Time: It’s Not ‘Gun Violence’ It’s Gang Violence

Every time you hear a politician or a media personality mention “gun violence,” you should mentally translate that phrase to “gang violence.” Not only that, but ask yourself if that politician or media outlet has…

Gavin Newsom Says He’ll Use Texas Abortion Law as a Blueprint to Further Limit Gun Rights in California

So this happened last night. California Governor Gavin Newsom, having nothing else to do on a Saturday evening, issued the following proclamation . . . If states can shield their laws from review by federal…

California’s Department of Justice is Putting Firearm Dealers Out of Business…Again

California Gov. Gavin Newsom (AP Photo/Rich Pedroncelli) Somehow the People’s Republic of California manages to amaze me every year as they find ways to be even more anti-gun and oppressive. This past weekend gave me…