gun violence

Don’t Blame Defunded Police or ‘Progressive’ Prosecutors, Global Warming is the Real Cause for Increased ‘Gun Violence’

The comprehensive study reveals that nearly seven percent of shootings can be attributed to above-average daily temperatures, even after adjusting for seasonal patterns. The findings indicate that the Northeast and Midwest regions experience the sharpest…

Prior: America’s Violence Problem is Due to Too Many Guns an Epidemic of Masculinity

The current gun violence crisis comes at a time when gun ownership soared during the pandemic and the number of white nationalist groups jumped by 55% during the Trump presidency. There are a lot of guns and a lot…

‘Police Reforms’ Mean More Illegal Guns on The Streets, Soaring Crime Rates

From the CCRKBA . . . The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms today blasted so-called “police reforms” in various American cities for hindering law enforcement efforts to remove contraband guns…

David Hogg Is Really Very Angry at Democrats Right Now

The struggle for the Biden administration and Democrats in Congress to enact any meaningful legislation to enhance gun safety reflects how the party’s ambitious agenda has been frustratingly stunted by internal squabbling, the persistence of…

Philadelphia Corner Store Robbery Duo No Match For CCW Holder Who Shoots One Dead

A good guy with a gun who was shopping in a Philadelphia corner store reacted as you’d expect to an armed duo who were waving a gun around threatening people as they tried to carry…

Richland County, South Carolina Juveniles Shoot Back, Killing Armed Home Invader

Just as prudent parents teach their kids how to swim at a young age, folks should teach responsible children and grandchildren how to use a gun safely. Because someday, they might need that gun to…