H.R. 1808

Gun Rights Orgs React to House Federal Assault Weapons Ban Bill Passage

  Desperate to give Democrats something they view as positive to campaign on this fall, the House of Representatives voted narrowly to resurrect a federal “assault weapons” ban last night. As Speaker Nancy Pelosi laughably…

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House Democrats Pledge to Ban Guns In Common Use by Law-Abiding Americans

House Democrats, led by Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.), are forging ahead with a so-called assault weapons ban even though it’s not clear that Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) has the votes…

The Dumbest $h!t We Heard During the House’s ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban Hearing

As was pre-ordained, the House Judiciary Committee passed HR 1808 on to the full House of Representatives yesterday. The bill moved on after a party-line vote which was preceded by some of the most entertaining…