hunter biden gun purchase

Hunter Biden Indicted on 3 Counts of Lying on Background Check Form, Gun Possession While Using Narcotics

President Biden’s son Hunter, a longtime junkie and a known drug abuser, has been indicted three counts related to an illegal purchase of a firearm and possession while using narcotics. Two of the counts are…

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Another Mystery: What Happened to Hunter Biden’s Colt Cobra? Other Guns?

That’s the cringe-inducing image we’ve all unfortunately seen repeatedly since content from Hunter Biden’s “laptop from Hell” began trickling out before the 2020 election. In the images, in addition to frolicking with hookers and smoking…

An Iowa Woman Got 1 Year in Jail Plus Probation for Lying On a 4473…What About Hunter Biden?

By Lee Williams  Miracle Star Vaughn, a 27-year-old woman from North Liberty, Iowa, was sentenced last week to serve one year and a day in a federal prison after pleading guilty to making false statements…

ATF Nominee David Chipman Seems Strangely Uninterested in Hunter Biden’s Alleged Illegal Gun Purchase

“Can I get your commitment that if you’re confirmed, you will in fact look into this matter and refer it for prosecution if you find that Hunter Biden violated a law?” [Senator Tom] Cotton pressed…