
Determined Would-Be Murderer Meets the Power of Prayer… and a Pistol

A Mississippi mom harnessed the power of prior planning, prayer and her pistol to protect her three small children and herself from a determined attacker earlier this week. It happened in Carroll County, Mississippi, on…

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Illinois Accidentally Bans Pandemic Carry, and Looking for Mr. Hi-Point’s Parts Kits

Bigstock This is TTAG’s weekly roundup of legal and legislative news affecting guns, the gun business and gun owners’ rights. For a deeper dive into the topics discussed here, check out this week in gun rights at…

Jackson, Mississippi Mayor Backs Down, Won’t Renew Order Banning Open Carry

Jackson Mayor Chokwe Antar Lumumba and Michael Bloomberg (AP Photo/Rogelio V. Solis) Jackson, Mississippi Mayor Chokwe Antar Lumumba issued an executive order a week ago banning open carry in his city. Lumumba used two shootings…

Federal Lawsuit Filed Challenging Jackson, Mississippi Mayor’s Ban On Open Carry

Last week, Jackson, Mississippi Mayor Chokwe Antar Lumumba announced that he had signed an order banning the open carry of firearms in the city, despite the fact that such an action violates multiple state laws,…

Jackson Mayor Hit with Lawsuit, Spurned by City Council over Open Carry Ban

Jackson, Mississippi’s mayor issued an executive order banning open carry on Saturday and was sued for it in federal court on Tuesday. (Photo: Chris Eger/Guns.com) Just days after Jackson Mayor Chokwe Antar Lumumba (D) moved…

Mississippi: Citing COVID-19, Jackson Mayor Bans Open Carry

Jackson’s mayor has issued an executive order that bars legal open carry in Mississippi’s largest city. (Photo: Chris Eger/Guns.com) Democratic Mayor Chokwe Antar Lumumba over the weekend announced he has suspended legal open carry in…