Ninth Circuit

BREAKING: Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals Uses Strict Scrutiny To Strike Down California’s Ban on Semi-Auto Rifle Sales To Young Adults

Rob Romano, the creator of The Gun Case Tracker brings us some good news out of the Ninth Circuit in California.  The court there used strict scrutiny to strike down California’s ban on semi-auto rifles…

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Life in the Ninth Circuit: A Judge Renders His Real Opinion in a 2A Case and an Alternative for the Full Court’s Inevitable Result

…[9th Circuit Judge Lawrence] VanDyke concluded in the majority opinion for a three-judge panel, Ventura County’s policy [closing gun stores during the pandemic] plainly did not pass muster under “strict scrutiny,” which requires that a…

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FPC to 9th Circuit: California’s Magazine Ban Violates History and Scope of the 2nd Amendment

From the Firearms Policy Coalition . . . Yesterday, the Firearms Policy Coalition announced the filing of an important brief with the en banc Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in Duncan v. Becerra, a case…

Why the Duncan v. Becerra Defeat is Far More Important Than Just Magazines

Courtesy As TTAG has reported, a Ninth Circuit three-judge panel has upheld Southern District of California Judge Roger T. Benitez’s ruling against California’s ban on standard capacity magazines. Obviously, that is a very important…

SAF: Ninth Circuit Striking Down California’s Large Capacity Ban is a Victory for All Gun Owners

Bigstock From the Second Amendment Foundation The Second Amendment Foundation today is hailing a ruling by a three-judge panel in the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals that held California’s ban on so-called “large-capacity magazines” (LCMs)…

BREAKING: Rhode v. Becerra Plaintiffs Ask Ninth Circuit to Lift Administrative Stay of Lower Court’s Injunction Blocking California Ammo Tax Law

Dan Z. for TTAG Late Friday evening, the Ninth Circuit issued an “administrative stay,” blocking an injunction issued by District Court Judge Roger Benitez that halted enforcement of California’s deeply flawed ammunition background check system….

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Ninth Circuit Grants Emergency Stay, California Ammo Background Check Law Again In Force

BREAKING: Rhode v Becerra (9th Circuit): The request for an immediate administrative stay is granted. The district court’s 4/23/20 preliminary injunction order is temporarily stayed pending further court order. The court will address the emergency…