rethinking criminal justice

A Tale of Two States: Law-and-Order, Permitless Carry Florida vs. Lawless, Gun-Controlled Illinois [VIDEO]

My family and I just returned from some time in Florida, specifically Ft. Walton Beach. We saw the sights and had a great time on the Emerald Coast, named for its beautiful green water and…

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‘Gun Violence Prevention Advocate’ Busted for Selling Drugs, Guns in New York City

Rethinking criminal justice apparently also means rethinking the qualifications it takes to qualify to be paid with tax dollars by the city of New York. The NYPD have arrested yet another “gun violence prevention advocate.”…

Los Angles Supervisor Claims to Care About Crime Victims While Working to Set LA’s Criminals Free

In Los Angeles, the local transit agency has resorted to the desperation tactic of playing classical music in a downtown subway station to see if it has any impact on the crime, vagrants, drug users, and calls…

Manhattan DA Charges Victim With Attempted Murder for Defending Himself After Being Shot Twice

Remember the case of Jose Alba? He was the New York bodega clerk who defended himself with a knife against against a man who came behind the store’s counter and attacked him. The confrontation was…

Citizens Increasingly Turn to the 2nd Amendment as a Result of Chicago’s ‘Defund to Police’ Movement

Some folks don’t realize that in a civilized society, the police exist to protect the criminal class as much as to keep them in check. Because when government can’t or won’t stop criminal behavior, gun…

Houston DA Will Present Case of Taqueria Customer’s Defensive Shooting to a Grand Jury

The defensive gun use that was caught on security video when a Houston taqueria customer shot an armed robber last week has caused more than a little discussion about how justifiable all of the shots…

Rethinking Criminal Justice, ‘Progressive’ Prosecutors and Defunded Police Have Resulted in More Minority Gun Owners

Gun control debates conjure images of white, conservative men who collect arms for sport. Today, a new population makes up a disproportionate percentage of first-time gun owners: people of color, especially women. Like Hudson, they…

GREAT MOMENTS IN GASLIGHTING: CNN Cites ‘Experts’ Who Say Keeping Violent Criminals In Prison Doesn’t Make Us Safer

While CNN has new leadership, it hasn’t yet changed its fake news ways and radical political ideologies. Their latest attempt at gaslighting of the American public is pushing the “rethinking criminal justice” narrative that says…

Rethinking Criminal Justice 9-Time Felon and ‘Anti-Violence’ Worker, Out on Affordable Bail, Shoots Himself in the Ass

Welcome to the Land of Lincoln where Democrat politicians love to protect criminals while ignoring their victims. Sometimes, however, Darwin smiles down upon us. Last week, a nine-time felon who was out on affordable bail…