second amendment foundation

NRA Finds Constitutional Friends Amid Legal Woes

If you read everything in the news of late and even talk to some gun rights supporters, you know NRA has been having a host of fits on a number of legal and organizational fronts…

SAF Win: Ninth Circuit Reverses, Remands Lower Court Denial of Injunction in California Gun Advertising Case

The Second Amendment Foundation has scored an important First Amendment victory before a federal appeals court panel in San Francisco which unanimously reversed a lower court’s denial of a preliminary injunction in a challenge of…

SAF Files Motion to Block Enforcement of Connecticut ‘Assault Weapon’ Designation for ‘Any Other Weapons’

From the Second Amendment Foundation . . . The Second Amendment Foundation and its partners in a lawsuit challenging a Connecticut gun control law have filed an emergency motion for a temporary restraining order because…

Illinois AG, Buried In Lawsuits, Has Bad Day At Gun Ban Court Date

Illinois Attorney General Kwame Raoul finds himself in the unpleasant position of defending the indefensible.  It falls upon him to defend Gov. J.B. Pritzker’s new gun and magazine ban in the courts.  At a court…

SAF Rips ATF’s Byzantine Pistol Brace Rule, Vows to Continue Its Lawsuit

From the Second Amendment Foundation . . . The Second Amendment Foundation today accused the Biden administration of “once again trying to trample the rights of gun owners” by allowing the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco,…