
Beat COVID Cabin Fever with some Classic Gun Coloring Sheets

In an effort to fill the time brought about by the quarantine blues, we went through our Vault of Certified Used Guns for some interesting pieces. Ranging from an old-school Spanish Astra 600 to a…

Ammopocalypse Now! and Other COVID19-Induced Hysteria [VIDEO]

Courtesy tennessee.edu This is TTAG’s weekly roundup of legal and legislative news affecting guns, the gun business and gun owners’ rights. For a deeper dive into the topics discussed here, check out this week in gun rights…

Overwhelmed Gun Stores Refusing to Process Online Purchase Transfers

Courtesy Palmetto State Armory One of the ways that Americans who haven’t been able to find the firearms they want right now locally have been coping with the current gun buying surge is to order…

Second Amendment Foundation Sues NJ Gov. Phil Murphy For Depravation of Gun Rights

New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy (AP Photo/Seth Wenig) From the Second Amendment Foundation . . . In a move directly linked to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the Second Amendment Foundation has filed a federal lawsuit…

Ammogeddon II: Stories from the Gun Store Sales Floor [VIDEO]

(AP Photo/Lisa Marie Pane) I’m a gun dealer. I’ve seen some crazy stuff over the years and I have some interesting stories. Ever since last Friday, our phones have been ringing off the hook with…