
THIS NOVEMBER: It Comes Down to People Who Love America vs. People Who Loathe America

(AP Photo/ Evan Vucci) Unless you’re a really low-information voter, you probably know there’s an election coming up in about three months. This November, our election boils down to a contest between people who love…

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Seattle Ice Cream Shop Bans Cops Carrying Guns

Image via Twitter. Business must be booming these days for a chain of Washington State ice cream shops, because Molly Moon’s had no problem banning uniformed police officers from bringing guns inside their shops. The…

‘Gun Violence’ Roaring Towards 1980s Levels Yet Left Demands Cities ‘Defund the Police’

Double homicide suspect runs from scene in Chicago. Image via Chicago Police Twitter. So-called gun violence has spiked in recent weeks since the George Floyd death. Many of America’s big cities, virtually all run by…