gun violence

Byrn: Gramps and Granny Have the Solution for ‘Gun Violence’

The Covenant School shooting in Nashville happened right in my backyard. The red and black bows in the school’s colors remain on mailboxes up and down my street after that tragedy in late March, when three children…

Taft: Why is it ‘Cartel Violence’ When It’s South of the Border, But It’s ‘Gun Violence’ Here?

As you are well aware, the [west coast] is among the most confused and Leftist areas of the country. Confused because Washington, Oregon, and California have made themselves sanctuaries for all manner of lawbreakers by…

Don’t Blame Defunded Police or ‘Progressive’ Prosecutors, Global Warming is the Real Cause for Increased ‘Gun Violence’

The comprehensive study reveals that nearly seven percent of shootings can be attributed to above-average daily temperatures, even after adjusting for seasonal patterns. The findings indicate that the Northeast and Midwest regions experience the sharpest…